Our Services

Better, Faster, Safer

The success of project financing starts with a good technical and contractual structure. The existing various forms of contracts between public and private sectors and also within the consortium between investors and industrialists, directly impact the financing of the project. Having to choose between public contracting or concession/PPP/PFI schemes, whether or not to grant public guarantees, when to set up a joint- venture and/ or shareholder agreement, what to have or not to have in a deed of pledge, etc ... are all decisions to be made.

At the same time financial documentation is becoming increasingly complex. The choice and the implementation of many financing tools (debt, bonds, grants, funds ...) require a solid expertise to be properly achieved.

Lastly, the project teams' lack of experience, particularly in their capacity to anticipate development costs and to identify the key elements of success, largely contributes to the risk of project failure.

The support of an expert, combined with an innovative approach, makes it possible to secure decision-making at each level of the validation chain and to maximize the parameters of a project's success.


Infraboost supports its public and private customers from the commercial development of their projects and until the implementation of funding. Our services cover the entire field of project financing stages (selection of advisers, project structuration, selection of best financial structure, bankability, fundraising, contracts negotiations, financial close) based on a wide range of solutions (Trade, Fusion Acquisition, Corporate, Export Finance, Project & PPP Finance, etc..)

Structuring & Bankability
  • Project risk analysis and risk allocation
  • Choice of the ad-hoc financing structure
  • Modeling
  • Information Memorandum to investors & lenders

Assistance for project development: quite often the non-bankability of the projects comes from a poor structuring (non-robust economic assumptions, weak commercial solution, etc...). In order to accelerate the financing and thus the realization of the projects, Infraboost assists in structuring and optimizes with ad-hoc solutions: finance at the service of business.

Infraboost Bancabiltié
Financer votre projet Infraboost
Raising funds
  • Selection of financial partners
  • Negotiations of project and finance documentation
  • Optimization of financing structures
  • Implementation of financial documentation

Financing solutions adapted to projects, mainly in Infrastructures and Energy sectors: Depending on the projects Infraboost helps to choose the most appropriate financing solution (Trade, Corporate, Export, PPP ... or a mix!)

Audit & Management
  • Management and valuation of assets
  • Board representation
  • Audit, Contract Management and Litigation Management
  • Refinancing, Share Sales, Exit Strategy

Project life requires careful contractual and financial monitoring to anticipate opportunities or risky situations. Operations teams do not always have the time or expertise to devote to it.

Coaching & Training

Any decision-making requires a good understanding of the topics. Infraboost offers
to its clients coaching and training to ease the understanding of often complex financial mechanisms and their subsequent consequences for clients

  • Complete training module (Bonds, PPP, etc.)
  • Ad-hoc training & skills analysis

Coaching is a strong element of Infraboost's services, highly appreciated by customers. At each stage of its mission, Infraboost explains the financing mechanisms to its customers in an appropriate, synthetic and didactic way, thus facilitating decision-making and reducing implementation timings.

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